How should I reply to comments on my project?

Responding to comments does a lot of good in a short period of time. It notifies followers and gets them to come back to your project page. It shows community members that you're serious about building relationships, which can boost project sentiment. And it encourages participation online and at in-person events. Here's what to say.

1. Start with the most popular comments

The default order of the comments section is by most supported and replied-to comment threads. The more people on the comment thread, the more people who'll be notified when you post a response.

2. Say thanks and keep it casual

We've found that the best responses are ones that read like a casual conversation. Community members have already read your official description. What would you say to your neighbor? "Thanks for commenting" is a great start. Then keep your response to 2-3 sentences. 

3. Reward enthusiasm and ask questions!

Did someone have a great idea that you're going to look into? Say so! A bit of flattery will get you everywhere. Don't be afraid to ask questions (e.g., "Great idea! Do you know any artists who'd be interested in the community space?"). Ending with a question will prompt the community member to reply.

4. When in doubt, post a placeholder response

When a community member asks a complicated or contentious question, you may not be ready to talk specifics. Don't sweat it! Reply with something like, "Thanks for you question. We're looking into it, and we'll get back to you when we know more." Much of the time, people just want to be heard and will react more favorably to a timely, albeit nonspecific response. You can come back later and respond with specifics.

More on responding to negative comments here

Here are a few more examples: 

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

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